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All living creatures have morale, their will to fight. The GM calls when to make a morale check. Morale checks always have a DC 11. Success means they stand and fight. Failure means they surrender or flee. PCs rarely have to check morale.

Morale Checks

Like any check, roll 1d20 with:

  • WIS mod
  • Proficiency bonus (if fitting)
  • Monster morale bonus (based off HD)
  • PCs and NPCs can roll with advantage or disadvantage based on the circumstances

(such as being outnumbered).

When To Check Morale

The GM can call for one or more morale checks; generally when: • the battle begins • after the first combatant is killed • when the leader or expert is killed • when the tide of the battle is obvious.

Side, Group, or Individual

PCs and their retainers always roll morale individually. The GM decides if monsters roll as a side, a group based on type, or individually.

Design Notes

copied from 5TD

I have some morale rules in the Combat Chapter, basically follow this outline with some more detail, and some modification/clarification on when to check.

morale.1579698913.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/22 13:15 by dave