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Potions may be created and imbued with magic by a spellcaster. They have more magical power than an alchemical creation, and as such require more skill and resources to craft.

All potions take an Active action to consume and trigger the magic.

Arcane Potions

TypeSpellcaster LevelBrewing CostRequired IngredientsEffect
Basilisk's Bane3 100gp ooze from an anomalyThe drinker gains resistance to acid damage until they take their next rest
Bolus of Climbing1 50gp Giant spider eggs from the canyons far to the West of Jorvikshire.For one hour one willing creature you touch gains the ability to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings. If they remove their shoes and move barefoot, travelling in this manner leaves the target's hands free.
Charm Paint150gp A dram of razorbat guano typically found along river caves. Applying this bright orange rouge to the face, gives the user advantage on all Charisma checks for an hour.
Drake's Bane3 100gp tail of a Hell Hound The drinker gains resistance to fire damage until they take their next rest
Frost's Bane3 100gp Kidneys of an Ice Troll The drinker gains resistance to cold damage until they take their next rest
Oil of Obfuscation3100gp Each application of this oil requires a handfull of the berries of the Blackthorn Tree found deep in the Rotwood For one day, the individual smearing this compound on their armor, cloak, and boots may gain +10 to stealth checks while travelling through the wilderness, but it has a 1 in 6 chance or reducing the permanent maximum durability of one's armor by one
Poultice of Regeneration150gpSkin of a rattlesnakeApplying this poultice to the wounds of an ally who has just fallen in battle stabilizes them and allows them to roll twice on the injury table and take the roll they prefer
Speed Injection5150gpEach dose of this injection requires a dram of the venom from a Scorphemoth For one battle, the target's speed is doubled, they gain a +2 bonus to AC, and all DEX checks gain advantage
Sparrowtongue1 50gp Each dose of this potion requires an egg from the Spined Quail, a pre-historic species of half-dinosaur half bird The drinker is able to communicate with birds for one hour, but takes on a bird-like trait of their own for the same duration such as hungering for seeds, scratching the dirt, or most dangerously believing they can fly
Water Breathing3100gpThis potion requires a dram of the ichor of the Veninslug, an Atlantean monstrosity said to live in the underground rivers and caves of the mountains East of Jorvikshire. The drinker can breathe water into their lungs normally as they would air until they take their first breath of fresh air which ends the effect.
Witchfire's Bane 3100gp wood from an oak tree struck by lightining The drinker gains resistance to lightning damage until they take their next rest

Creating Arcane Potion

Many scholarly archetypes have the Create Potion proficiency which allows them to create Arcane Potions (as can various Adept and Specialist NPCs.) Each potion requires the crafter to have achieved a particular class level, and requires a brewing cost and a special ingredient to complete. At the end of a week of brewing, the creator must make an Arcana check modified down by the level required to create the potion or the effort fails.

Divine Potions

TypeSpell RequiredMan Days of PrayerNotes
Animal FriendshipSticks to Snakes 100 any normal animal within 100' will be friendly to you
Blessed HealingHeal Wound50 heals 1d8
Greater Blessed HealingBlessing of St. Luke200 all lost hit points healed upon drinking the potion
Heroism Blessing of St. George200 For 1 hour after drinking it, you gain 10 temporary hit points and gain immunity to any fear or morale checks.
Draught of Invulnerability Full Armor of God 150for 1 hour, resistant to all attack forms (half damage)
Elixir of StrengthHoly Chant 10 for 1 hour your gain +4 to strength score
Waters of the JordanIt Shall not Avail 150instantly cures 1 disease affecting drinker
Faithful HeartI Shall Fear No Evil 100grants immunity to fear and morale failure for 1 hour
Shield of God Cast out Devils50for 1 hour increase resistance and saves against spiritual attack by 4
Holy Nimbus Illuminate25Drinker gives off a shining aura, equal to lantern light, for 1 hour
Manna from HeavenOur Daily Bread150drinking this potion nourishes the drinker for 1 week
Holy WaterBaptism1used in services and against supernatural, ordained priests only, 8 pints at a time

Creating a Divine Potion: Hermits and clerics have the Create Potion proficiency and may create Divine Potions (as can various NPC clergy). Each potion requires the crafter to know 1 particular spell, and requires a certain number of man/days of prayer. At the end of the prayer, the creator must make a Religion check, or the effort fails. The man/days of prayer can be accomplished by the creator (but that's a long time) or he can get the help of a choir of up to 10 monks (usually for a suitable donation to the monastery). The entire process of creating a divine potion never takes less than 1 full week, as it must begin and end on a Sunday.

potions.1580996415.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/06 13:40 by dave