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Raoul the Rustic Herdsman

Player: Andrew

Frankish, Hermetic, Level-1

Str 10 (+0), Dex 13 (+1), Con 14 (+2), Int 20 (+5), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 7 (-2)

Proficiencies: Simple weapons , INT and CON checks, Create Scroll, Create Potion

Skills: Arcana, Medicine, Lore (Animals), Lore (Plants), Lore (Geography), Investigation, Persuasion

Languages: Primary: Breton: Secondary: English Ancient: Latin, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Aramaic

Special Feature: Guts - You have seen it all. You make any checks to avoid Stress at advantage.

Background: It was told to Raoul at his 12th birthday that he descended from Joseph of Aramithea and is part of the Grail Family, related to Percival and Galahad of old. He may be called on one day to perform a service for the Grail. Raoul is immune to all diseases, including lycanthropy and tomb rot. He has leveraged his lore skills to masquerade as a simple farmer, but his intellect and education gives away his ruse that he is in fact a collector of occult lore.

Will: Raoul names his roomate Neil O'Hainle as his inheritor if he should pass.

XP Log:


  • 30XP - Paid for Timmy Worm's wergild (50gp) and memorial (10gp)
  • 900XP - Retroactive totaled the XP award
  • 50XP - Session 8 (no show)
  • 100XP - Session 9 (inactive)
  • 50XP - Session 10 (no show)
  • 200XP - Session 11 (GM)
  • 53XP - Upkeep since 1/1/1130 until 4/15/1130
  • 200XP - Session 12 (GM)
  • 300XP - Two rustic huts at 150gp/each
  • 23XP - Upkeep 4/16/1130 until 5/31/1130 for Raoul and his nag

Gold Log:


  • 1253 - 4/16/1130
  • +850 - 4/22/1130 - Monies collected from the manuscript of The Beet Knight (GM share of loot)
  • -300 - 4/23/1130 - Commissioned two rustic huts in town
  • -46 - Upkeep 4/16/1130 until 5/31/1130 for Raoul and his nag (5sp/HD/day)
raoul.1607627255.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/10 19:07 by andrew