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Razorbats are leather-winged Atlantean monstrosities that measure only about six-inches from wingtip to wingtip that feed exclusively on blood. They live in dark places such as caves, and are known to hibernate for years until disturbed or awakened by the smell of fresh blood. Their razor sharp beak-like proboscis protruding from a hairy alien head that includes four compound eyes can slice a man and drink up to a liter of blood each. Their razor beaks are coated with a unique paralytic saliva which can render a deer or cow immobile in under a minute as the swarm of these beasts land and begin to feed.

Razorbats (1/4 HD Predator)

AC: 12; HD 1/4 HP 1
Resistance: 8;
Mods: W -2/N+2/S+2
Speed: 50' flying
Morale: +0; (-1 for each open flame carried)
Stealth +2, Perception +2
Attack: -2 Damage: 1 + Poison (CON check or Paralysis for 1D6 rounds)
Special Attack: Blood Drain against paralyzed foe - 1D6 damage/round
Weakness: double damage from fire
S-2, D+2 C-2, I-2,W+2,Ch-2

Note: Razorbats travel in packs of 3D6 monsters, and will roll a morale check before attacking any group holding open flame. They only emerge at night, or in the underground caves that they make their home.

razorbat.1577797933.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/31 13:12 by andrew