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Parties may rest to recover exhaustion, stress, and hit points. In this game, there are two types of rest both which take at least eight hours to complete. They differ only in how threatened the PCs are while they take it.

Safe Rest

A PC or NPC heals 1 HP per level per eight hours of safe rest. They may also choose to heal either one exhaustion or stress point.

A safe rest is typically a rest in civilization, or somewhere the entire party may put aside their weapons and armor comfortably. This excludes rest in a dungeon or in hostile wilderness.

Unsafe Rest

A PC heals 1 HP per eight hours of unsafe rest. Unsafe rest is a rest where the party must post watches and keep their arms handy such as in a dungeon or hostile territory. There is no way to recover from Stress or Exhaustion in unsafe territory.


For example, a level 4 PC would heal 4 HP in a night of safe rest, or 1 HP in a dungeon.

rest.1580924109.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/05 17:35 by andrew