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The simplest way to gain money without working or, God Forbid!, farming is to steal from someone else.


Most people have a little cash on their person, based on their level of personal wealth. If you steal their purse by stealthy or violent means, consult the following chart:

  • Poor (landless worker, monk or hermit): 1d6 cp, 1 roll on the pockets table–column A
  • Average (householder, craftsman, priest): 1d6 sp 2 rolls on the pockets table–column-A
  • Above Average (knight, successful craftsman) 1d6 gp 3 rolls on the pockets table–column B
  • Prosperous (lord, successful merchant): 1d6 x10 gp 4 rolls on the pockets table–column B
  • Wealthy (great lord, wealthy merchant): 1d6x100gp 5 rolls on the pockets table–column B


d20 RollColumn AColumn B
1Ball of stringRoll again, column A
2A near-rotten piece of raw meat or fishCrackers and bacon
3Half a loaf of bread & wedge of cheeseA box of cookies or biscuits
4A bandana or empty belt pouch
5A ceramic chess pieceA fancy game dice
6A burlap sack of charcoalFour candles or a torch
7A hastily scribbled listA map
8A tinder boxA common holy book
9A collection of rags and handkerchiefsA small statuette
10A whetstoneAn uncut gem
11An empty glass vialA simple magnifying glass
12A quill and inkA roll of parchment
13A dented bellA pair of earrings
14A collection of buttonsA silver wedding ring
15A wool blanketA flask of middling whisky
16An empty leather backpackTheir tunic or breeches fits a party member
17A set of eating utensilsA travel plate
18Two well worn knivesAn expensive lacy handkerchief
19A half-drunk bottle of cheap wineA vial of fine perfume
20A pitcher made out of a gourdA smutty storybook


Most people keep their stuff in their houses.

1–In the Country or Farming Communities

BuildingRansack ModCashLock BoxGoods
Cottage+21d12x2gp1cooking gear, some clothing
Farm House+01d12x10gp3farm tools, clothing, cooking gear, basic furniture
Barn-40 0animals (at least 2 oxen per farm) or grain
Public House-51d12x20gp6Beer, furnishings, food stores
Smithy01d12x10gp5smith tools, iron bars, iron tools
Parish Church-51d12x50gp8altar service, gospel or book of hours
Manor House, small-101d12x200gp15good furniture, some weaponry, horses
Manor House, large-151d12x400gp20good furniture, some weaponry, horses

Type: Shack: decrepit home of landless laborer; Cottage: small, but nicer home of a landless tenant; Farm House: House of a Militia House-Holder with 1 Hide of Land; Barn: storage building for a farm; Public House: meeting hall, traveler's rest, drinking spot for community; Smithy: local blacksmith; Parish Church: religious structure of the Hundred; Manor House, Small: house of the Lord of a Hundred, perhaps fortified. Manor House, Large: big house of the lord of 2-3 Hundreds, can be a castle.

Ransack Mod: number added on the search roll to see how long the search of the place takes.
Cash: the amount of savings the owners have hidden in the house, half will be in the form of jewelry, gemstones or art, half as coin.
Lock Box: roll 1d20, if the Lock Box number or lower is rolled, then the cash is in some sort of locked box, chest, or safe, which must be opened or carried off (requiring at least 2 people, being very obvious) or pried loose from the floor etc. Goods: suggested goods one might find, retail value should equal the cash total, but much harder to move and likely to net a lower price at sale.

2–In the Town or City

BuildingRansack ModCashLock BoxGoods
Cottage+21d12x2gp1cooking gear, some clothing
Farm House+01d12x10gp3farm tools, basic furniture, clothing
Storage Building-40 0animals, foodstuffs
Inn-51d12x20gp6Beer, furnishings, food stores
Livery-21d12x10gp5horses, hay
Common Crafter01d12x10gp5craft tools, raw materials, furnishings, inventory
Parish Church-51d12x50gp8altar service, gospel or book of hours
Townhouse-51d12x35gp10craft tools,nicer clothes, furnishings
Mansion, small-101d12x300gp15good furniture, some weaponry, artwork
Mansion, large-151d12x500gp20good furniture, some weaponry, artwork
Warehouse, small-151d12x300gp15many goods
Warehouse, large-251d12x600gp20many,many goods

Special places like garrisons, armories, cathedrals, wizard's towers are properly part of full-fledged adventurers, not random plunderings.

Type: Shack: decrepit home of landless laborer; Cottage: small, but nicer home of a landless tenant; Farm House: House of a Militia House-Holder with 1 Hide of Land who farms near the town; Storage Building: small storage building for local supplies; Inn: meeting hall, traveler's rest, drinking spot for community; Livery: place for horses and wagons inside the town. Common Craftsmans: house and shop for bnalcksmith, shoe-maker, tailor, etc; Parish Church: religious structure of the Hundred; Townhouse: larger multi-story house and shop for more successful craftsmen and the like. Mansion, small: nice house for city lord or successful merchant. Mansion, large: very nice house for great noble house or the great merchant families. Warehouses: merchant warehouses holding large amount of goods in bulk for trade.

3–Ransack Roll
When you want to tear up a place to find all the valuables, hidden on not, you need to make a Ransack roll to determine how long it takes. The character with the highest Investigation skill score or Intelligence bonus rolls a check, add +1 for each person helping, +2 if that person has Investigation skill, add or subtract the Ransack Modifier for the building type, and look at the following table to determine the length of time it takes to gather the valuables. You can specify a full search which yields all valuables present, or a quick search which yields half the value.

Ransack Roll TotalFull Search TimeQuick Search Time
-5 or less2 hours1 hour
-4 to -1 1 hour 30 minutes
0-445 minutes20 minutes
5-830 minutes10 minutes
9-1225 minutes12 minutes
13-1620 minutes10 minutes
17-2015 minutes8 minutes
21-2410 minutes5 minutes
25-285 minutes2 minutes
29+ 2 minutes1 minute

If a lock-box is found, it will take 1 minute per attempt to pick the lock. To pry it out of the building it will take 1 minute per attempt (DC 20, Strength Bonus of 2 people, disadvantage if you don't have a crowbar).

The thing about robbing people is that people live in a society which doesn't like it when people get robbed. The chance that people will notice and raise the “Hue and Cry” (legal requirement for all men nearby come to stop crime) depends on where you are and how long the crime lasts.

LocationCheck FrequencyLikely ResponseReinforcements
Forest Trailonce per hour2d6 woodsmen1 per half hour, Local lord, household troops
Isolated Farmsteadonce per hour2d6 militia1 per half hour, local lord, many militia
Villageonce per 5 minutes1-2 milita per house in sight every 5 minutes, all militia
Town or Cityonce per minute2d6 neighborsonce per minute, 3d6 militia

Most law enforcement is carried out by the militia of country householders or town building owners led by the local lord.

When a crime is committed, when the frequency time is expired roll 1d6. If there was a witness to the crime then response will occur on a 1-3, if there were no witnesses, then response will happen on a 1. Keep checking each frequency period until the response happens. If the malefactors stay in the area after the initial response, check for reinforcements at the indicated frequency with them appearing on a 1-3 on a d6.

robbing_people.1580154915.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/27 19:55 by andrew