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Campaign Setting

Let's brainstorm ideas for our campaign setting here.

Crazy idea–campaign set in parallel Earth.

About 1000 AD

Europeans settling America 500 years early—but FIlled WIth Monsters! Ruins of Atlantean civilization!

My First Pitch: this is what my mind pushed out: first_pitch.docx

The campaign begins in 1130 AD in the High Middle Ages.

A political map of Europe

Magical Traditions

So spells and classes might have one of these traditions associated with it. Hermetism might be the one most associated with wizardry.

  • Hermetism
  • Celtic Shamanism
  • Kabbalah
  • Hasidim
  • Sufism
  • Hellenic Mysticism
  • Zoroastrianism
  • Far Eastern Mystic Traditions
    • India
    • China
    • Japan
    • Egypt
    • Russia
  • Fake Mystical Traditions
    • Atlantean Magic
    • Lemurian Sorcery
    • Lovecraftian Mythos
setting.1574434672.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/22 14:57 by andrew