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Johnny Venice has established a business where he and his employees travel across the river to Deadman's Town twice per month, harvest Atlantean bricks and take them by cart to Jorvikburg for sale.

Buildings: 1 mead hall used as a lodge for all the employees. Johnny's barn is also used to house the cart, ox and boats when not in use.

Inventory: 2 boats (1 is a spare), 8 mining picks, 4 shovels, 4 sledgehammers, 4 block and tackles, 300' hempen rope, 4 wheelbarrows (2 on the trip, 2 spare at home), 1 cart, 1 draft ox.

Arms: 4 gambesons, 4 round shields, 4 warbows, 8 quivers of arrows, 4 war axes, 4 seaxes (3/4 of all this is distributed to the militia/guards

Employees: 4 laborers, 3 militia Laborers: Bill Worm (son of Old Worm), Sligo, Ramstein, and Tim (all 1 HD laborers) Guards: Olaf, Pietro, and Stanley (all 1-HD militia)

Monthly Profit: 94 gp

Danger: 1 in 20 chance per month of monsters from river attacking boat (increases to 1 in 10 if we lose Bill Worm)

venice_bricks.1614090815.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/23 14:33 by andrew