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The Welsh are famous for their longbowmen. Although bows have been around since prehistoric times, the Welsh have developed the warbow into the deadliest weapon. During the Anglo-Norman invasion of Wales, the Welsh bowmen took a heavy toll on the invaders. Welsh adventurers start with a +2 DEX bonus.

The Welsh are the descendants of the British tribes conquered by Rome a millenium ago. When the Roman Empire collapsed, the Anglo-Saxon (English) tribes from Denmark-Germany invaded Britain and drove the Welsh to the western mountains. The Welsh, therefore, are hostile toward the English for this long grievance, and toward the Normans, who even now are attempting to subdue the last free Welsh principalities.

Primary Language: Welsh. Secondary Language: English.

The Welsh revere the memory of their legendary defenders King Arthur and Ambrosius Aurelianus, as well as their prophet Merlin and their patron Saint David.

welsh.1581425768.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/11 12:56 by dave