There should be a library at the Fulton building with a vampiric librarian who owes her existance to the previous Fulton directors. They managed to create a way for her to live on a different blood source other than human blood. The Fulton building should have a fast jet (VTOL, supersonic, room for 5 tops), a slow jumbo jet, some armored towncars (maybe 2), a winnebago that can transform into a battle tank, and some motorcycles. And of course, A WALKING EYE. One or two of the old invisi-zepplins are still in storage in the overstuffed and disorganized storage facility within the Fulton Building. Perhaps the VTOL also boasts invsi-tech as well. But, the damned thing just doesn't work There is a moderate-sized office staff and small manufacturing crew, all of which are well-paid because they require high security clearance. When the manufacturing crew are not needed for top-secret projects, they maintain the automated machinery that produces the high-tolerance steam pipes which are Fulton's legimate cover. There is a security team as well, which is usually supervised by top government operatives. There is also a residential wing, where Fulton Board members,key operatives and important guests can be assigned sleeping quarters. Other Fulton facilities include: * [[Philo's Penthouse]] * [[Mountain Cabin Conference Center]]