Agent Fish: This guy is the face of the CIA to Fulton Horizons. He is a young, affable guy with a fratboy-esque frame. He is a recent divorcee, and always has horror stories about his nightmare of an ex-wife. Brittany Myers a.k.a. "White Brittany": is the head receptionist at the Fulton Building in Lancaster. She's the office skank. Her catch-phrase is "Oh, he's yummy, isn't he?" Brittany Cho a.k.a. "Chinese Brittany": is the office manager at the Fulton Building. She's actually 3rd-generation Korean-American and hates it when people call her Chinese Brittany. She's insufferably bossy and constantly complains when anyone uses too many office supplies. "You AREN'T thinking of taking those intra-office envelopes outside the building, are you? And I'm not Chinese, dammit." Kelly Stuvens a.k.a. "Stu": is the armorer at FHL. If anyone needs raw materials to achieve any sort of invention or experiment, she is the one to go to. Stu is quite the tomboy. She might be very attractive if she ever let down her hair, cleaned her face, and took off her ubiquitous figure-hiding coveralls. Her rough and tumble attitude, pridefulness in her work, demeanor, and penchant for using the f-word has given others in the office the mistaken impression that she is a lesbian. "Crazy" Eddie Debes: A salesman for the ubiquitous Acme Corporation. He is always trying to make contact with the bigwigs at FHL to sell his newest high-tech plan, component, or scheme. Do these incremental developments work? Maybe, maybe not. However, Eddie always has something that could help out the PCs ... for a price.