We all know that Robert Fulton invented the first commercially useful steamboat. But, few realize that he had an important partner: Robert Livingston. Livingston was ambassador to France when he met Fulton, but at various other times he had been once of the drafters of the Declaration of Independence, Chancellor of the New York Supreme Court, administered the oath of office to George Washington, and was, of course, a powerful member of the Freemasons. Fulton married Livingston's niece and they had 4 children. (Thus far all is true).

I think this gives us a perfect frame for our backstory. Robert Fulton founded Fulton Horizons, but from the very beginning it was closely connected to the U.S. Government, through the influence of Livingston. During the subsequent decades, the government routinely turned to Fulton Horizons to deal with paranormal threats and to provide cutting edge technology. Of course, most of the players are descended from Fulton's 4 children or perhaps from Livingston.

Link to info about Livingston: http://www.nndb.com/people/904/000049757/