**CUSTOM CLASSES:** __The Book of Custom Classes__ contains the following classes, beyond the ones found in the ACKS main rule book and the Player's Companion: Gnome Titan, Halfling Burglar, Halfling Pumpkin Queen, Halfling Scout, Lackey, Nobiran Dragon-Slayer, Orkin Bandit, Orkin Hex-master, Orkin Thug. {{:class_book.pdf|}} __Summary of Available Classes__: a pdf reference sheet which contains all of the classes available from the ACKS book, Player's Companion, and Book of Custom Classes. {{:class_summary.pdf|}} **BONUS CLASSES:** __Neanderthal Hunters__: not included in the above documents: {{:neanderthal_hunter.pdf|}} __Wormpriest__: also not included in above documents: {{:wormpriest.pdf|}} **NEW SPELLS, MONSTERS, AND MAGICAL ORDERS** __The Book of Magic and Monsters__ contains the details of these topics for the campaign.{{:book_of_magic_and_monsters.pdf|}}