**THE HIGH GODS** There are 12 Neutral (pagan)gods that are worshiped in one form or another across the world, below is a list of their names in various languages and their functions. (A--Ardean, N--Northron, W--Westerling, E-Easterling, S--Southron) **The Thunder God** (air) A--Jupiter, N--Thunor, W--Taranis, E--Marduk S--Ammon **The Lady of Stars** (sovereignty) A--Juno, N--Frea W--Mab, E--Inanna S--Enit **The Lord of Light** (sun) A--Apollo, N--Baldaeg, W--Lug, E--Mitra, S--Ra **The Lady of the Moon** A--Diana, N--Ostara, W--Morrigan, E--Astarte, S--Bast **The Lord of War** A--Mars, N--Tiwaz, W--Nodens, E--Nergal, S--Horus **The Master of Wisdom** A--Mercury, N--Woden, W--Gwydion, E--Varuna, S--Thoth **The Goddess of Love** (fertility) A--Venus, N--Frigga, W--Rigatona, E--Ishtar, S--Isis **The Lord of Growth** (fertility) A--Saturn, N--Fricco, W--Bran, E--Enki, S--Osiris ** The Lord of Waters** A--Neptune, N--Oegir, W--Lir, E--Napat, S--Geb **The Celestial Smith** (fire) A--Vulcan, N--Wayland, W--Govannon, E--Tubal, S--Ptah **Mother Earth** A--Terra, N--Nerthuz, W--Danu, E--Ki, S--Hathor **The Lady of Thought** A--Minerva, N--Holda, W--Sulis, E--Anat, S--Neith **THE TRANSCENDENT GOD** The single Lawful god also has a different name in each of the major languages: Ardean: Primus Auctor Northron: Bor Westerling: Aesus Easterling: High Father Southron: El Gabal