__**Sheriff (Lt.) John J. Sherman**__ {{::ltjim.png?600|}} Lt. John J. Sherman (Hacksaw County Sheriff) 1845 - Son of Charles Taylor Sherman and nephew to William Tecumseh Sherman and John Sherman (his namesake), John James Sherman, 'Lt. Jim' or 'JJ' (to his friends) served on the western front as a Calvary Scout during the US Civil War and fought in several battles. After a short stint meandering in the west following the war, he met a gal and decided to settle down. Hacksaw County sheriff is his first venture into Law Enforcement. Jim has a sense of honor, long instilled into him by his family. That happens when your family is generals, judges, senators and such; a long tradition of service in his line. He longs to uphold the law (although not always to the letter, but to his sense of right and wrong. Jim is extremely loyal to his friends and can be dangerous to his enemies. He didn't hesitate to kill during the war... and he doesn't do so now. Jim's one foible (or just a noticeable habit) is he likes to have something in his mouth most of the time, be it a piece of straw or wood, or his latest favorite, cherry brandy flavored cigars. He'll roll one around and chew on it all day... but he won't light it. He's never smoked and says he's not starting today. He just enjoys the flavor. However, his deputy, Ole Curly Perkins, picks up his castaways and lights 'em right up. 'Nottin' to waste that way!' he says. {{ ::current_lt_jim.pdf | Meet "Lt. Jim"}}