Diego Redwood

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Diego was born in 1854, to Julieta Valdez and Roman Novak. Julieta lived in Rosalita and was the sister of the mayor. Roman was a Bohemian immigrant who settled in Hacksaw Crossing after hearing of gold being discovered in the area. The gold was a rumor, but Roman soon made a living as a merchant. It is through this job that he met and fell in love with Julieta. Roman moved to Rosalita and they soon had Diego. Roman left to join the Union army near the start of the war. Julieta and Diego were traveling to Rancho Matamoros to visit family when they were attacked by bandits. Julieta was killed and Diego was left for dead, but was found by some Apache scouts and nursed back to health. Diego lived with the Apache for years, earning the name Redwood for being taller than normal. When he was old enough to survive by himself he retuned to Rosalita and his family who thought he had died. His father never returned home from the war but it isn't known if he was killed or just found another life. Diego became a bounty hunter in the hopes that one of his bounties might be one of the bandits who killed his mother. Diego has a room in Rosalita when he visits family but mostly travels the wild with Taco, a Mexican wolf cub he found abandoned when he was younger.

Role: Bounty Hunter
Species: Human
Languages: English, Spanish, Apache

Pace: 6
Parry: 6
Toughness: 6
Charisma: 0

Strength d4
Agility d8
Vigor d8
Smarts d8
Spirit d8

Fighting: d8
Healing: d4
Notice: d4
Riding: d6
Shooting: d8
Stealth: d6
Survival: d6
Tracking: d4

Colt Peacemaker – 12/24/48, 2d6+1, ROF 1, 2lbs, 6 shots, AP1 (2)
Winchester ’73 – 24/48/96, 2d8, ROF 1, 7lbs, 15 shots, AP2
Bowie Knife – Str+d4, 2lbs, AP1

Good hat, spurs, gloves, boots, trousers, vest, shirt, sable, bridle, pads, 2 saddlebags (one for Taco), rifle sheath, 2 holster and gun belts, ammunition

Good horse
Fair horse (taken from Christopher Pike)

Ambidextrous: Ignore -2 penalty for using off-hand
Beast Master: Animals won’t attack hero unless attacked first or enraged. Gain an Animal Companion that is an Extra (not a Wild Card), if it dies, a replacement is found in 2d6 days
Fast Healer: +2 to Vigor rolls for natural healing
Two-fisted: May attack with a weapon in each hand without multi-action penalty

Code of Honor (Major): Diego follows The Bounty Hunters’ Creed
Vengeful & Vow (Minors): Diego holds a grudge against the people that murdered his mother (though he is not exactly sure who did it) and has vowed to his family to find the murderer(s) and bring them to justice

The Bounty Hunters’ Creed
- No Bounty is Worth Dying For: If you are presented with a choice: Your life or your bounty. Choose your life. There will be other bounties, there is only one life.
- People Don’t Have Bounties, Only Acquisitions Have Bounties: When someone has a bounty on their head, they are no longer people, they are your acquisition.
- Capture By Design, Kill By Necessity: If you’re supposed to kill your bounty, kill your bounty. Otherwise, don’t kill people.
- No Hunter Shall Slay Another Hunter
- No Hunter Shall Interfere With Another’s Hunt
- In the Hunt One Captures or Kills, Never Both: The general idea behind this is that you should never kill a defenseless target. Honor the hunt
- No Hunter Shall Refuse Aid to Another Hunter

XP: 22
Human: Edge - Ambidextrous
Novice: 3 Edges – Beast Master, Fast Healer, Two-Fisted
Seasoned: Vigor Raise


Species: Mexican Wolf

Pace: 8
Parry: 5
Toughness: 4
Charisma: 0

Strength d6
Agility d8
Vigor d6
Smarts d6
Spirit d6

Fighting: d6
Notice: d10

Bite: Str+d4
Fleet-footed: d10 when running instead of d6
Go for the Throat: A raise on an attack roll, causes the bite to hit the target’s most weakly armored location
Size: -1