Name: Jasper Cole

Role: Charismatic Newspaperman

Background: Jasper Cole is a sharp-witted and charming newspaperman. Born and raised in the bustling East, he moved to Arizona in search of stories and a taste of the untamed West. With a keen eye for detail and a silver tongue, Jasper is adept at navigating both high society and rougher company. He's passionate about uncovering the truth and has a knack for getting people to open up to him.







Background and Roleplaying Notes: Jasper Cole is known for his mid-Atlantic eloquence and charm, able to blend into high society or mingle with the rough-and-tumble locals. He's driven by a passion for uncovering the truth and isn't afraid to take risks to get a good story. However, his curiosity and strict ethical code can sometimes put him at odds with powerful figures who prefer their secrets to stay hidden. Jasper's skills and connections make him a valuable ally in social and investigative situations, while his hindrances provide opportunities for character development and storytelling.