
Responsibility to Others (Major)
All Thumbs (minor) -2 Repair; Roll of 1 on a mechanical or electronic device causes malfunction
Loyal (minor)
Hollow-Boned (racial) -1 Toughness

Arcane Background: Miracles - 10 base points, 2 powers
Flight (racial)
Healer - +2 healing
Holy Warrior - Spend 1 Power Point to make evil creatures make Spirit check or be Shaken; roll of 1 kills Extras, wounds Wild Cards; cost is 1 Power Point per creature affected
Extra Edge (racial) - One of the Chosen - Your investigator gains either a +1 to attack rolls vs. supernatural evil or they suffer a –1 penalty to attack rolls to hit him

Faith d8
Fighting d6
Healing d8+2
Investigation d6
Knowledge d8
Notice d8
Persuasion d8
Stealth d4

Powers (Miracles) 10 power points