**AHLISSA, THE SOUTH PROVINCE OF THE GREAT KINGDOM OF AERDI** * **Population**: There are about 400,000 people throughought the South Province. Most of them are land-bound serfs or slaves. The capital is the fortress-complex of Zelradton with a population of about 7000. * **Status:** the Herzog (Duke) of Ahliss and "All the South" is Gudric Hone, a cousin of the Overking. He travels with a huge entourage of 2000 men in a great circle of provincial manors around the province. Each manor is a collection point for food and tribute delivered to the Herzog when he makes his appearance. The landed noblity have wide powers over their serfs and are left alone as long as the tribute arrives on time. The nobles are mostly humans, but there is a certain portion of Tieflings and even elves among them. * **War and Adventure**: The Herzog encourages mercenaries and foreign outlaws and raiders to ravage the lands of the Iron League, but fears to attempt to raise a standing army large enough to attempt a permanent conquest. Such an army might turn on him, or be seen as a threat to the overking, or ruin his fortunes if it should fail. Yet, it does sting to know that the nobles of the Overking's Court laugh at his empty titles as overlord of Sunndi, Idee, Onnwal and Irongate.