**Historical Timeline for the Irongate Campaign** **Age of Creation** * Primordials create "The World" * Gods give "The World" order, permanence and life * Mad God creates the Abyss, some Primordials become Demons * War of the Gods and Primordials over the World * Giants create the first empire in the world, enslave Dwarves * The Primordial Seer is slain, leaving only her throne to appear magically in times of need at certain magical places throughout "The World". * Victory of the Gods over the Primordials **The First Age of Time** * Various races live in small bands across the World * Disputes begin to arise between Good and Evil gods * Quarrel of Gruumsh and Corellan * First Priest-Kings appointed by gods * Sundering of Elves, Eldarin and Drow **The Second Age of Time: The Elder Empires** * Dragon-born, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Hobgoblins create several warring empires * The nobles of one human empire make pacts with Devils and become the Tieflings * Great War between Tieflings and Dragonborn leaves the World wasted. * Heart of the Tiefling Empire becomes the Sea of Dust **The Third Age of Time: The Younger Empires** * In the ruins of the great war, small kingdoms remain. * Human-dominated Empire of Nerath unites the Flanaess. * After period of prosperity, Ivid, Duke of Aerdy in the East, revolts against Empire. * His bid for power shatters the Empire into pieces * A demonic entity called Iuz establishes a nightmare realm near the heart of old Empire * Local Kings arise but fail to unite the empire again. * When Ivid II fails in a final bid for power, Nerath is called dead. **The Fourth Age of Time:** Year 1: Ivid III renounces imperial throne, restyles himself Overking of the Great Kingdom Year 15: The Great Kingdom fails to seize the Iron League to the South Year 25: Last wide war, when Duke of Nyrond, recognizing that the Empire of Nerath is gone forever, declares himself King of Nyrond and leads resistance to last major invasion by Great Kingdom. War is a bloody stalemate, all major armies are broken and exhausted Year 28: major breakout by monsters from the wildlands and barbarians from South, West and North, shatters the slowly recovering trade and commercial routes. One province degenerates into "The Bandit Kingdoms" under petty, murderous chieftains. Year 30: Trade and travel have dropped so far that even most educated men rarely go 10 miles beyond the walls of the nearest town or fortress. Year 50: a cabal of Devil Worshipers establish a realm called "The Horned Society" near Iuz at the center of the old empire (Iuz and Horned Society are nevertheless enemies of each other) Year 110: As the campaign opens, the world is a shattered and dark place, with a few points of light hoping to guide the world to a better future.