**THE COUNTY OF IDEE** * **Population:** There are about 50,000 people in the County of Idee, most living in the southern section within 60 miles around the capital Naerie (5000). The northern section has been rendered into an empty wasteland. * **History:** When the Great Kingdom failed to capture Irongate, it swung its armies around the Iron Hills into Idee. The major thrust of the attack was broken on the many castles and fortresses along Idee's northern border, but raiders made life in northern Idee a hazard. Eventually the northern zone was abandoned, to keep a safe buffer against Ahlissa. * **Adventure**: the northern section of Idee is filled with ruined castles, abandoned manors, empty towns and roving bands of raiders, spies and outlaws. Count Beremond is suspicious of Irongate, after the results of the great war, but is honorable and would respond to a call upon the Charter of the Iron League.