**SMIRKENBURG** * **The Age of Kozubal**: At the end of the Second Age of Time, the Tiefling magician Kozubal the Terrible attempted to destroy the new fortress of Irongate, a stronghold of men and dwarves that had allied with the Dragonborn empire. He created a great stone orb that summoned up a legion of devils to destroy the city. He was defeated and the summoning spell broken when the priest of Bahamut summoned a band of angels to drive Kozubal off. Swearing revenge, Kozubal returned after several years and built a mighty citadel in the Headlands of Onnwal, 15 miles to the West of Irongate. He dubbed this citadel "Smirkenburg" which means "Grinning Mountain" in the old Common dialect or "Death Grinder" in the Dwarf tongue to mock his foes. He ruled there, launching countless raids and invasions, for over 50 years, and then handed over power to his lieutenants and mysteriously vanished. * **The Strife of Smirkenburg**: as long as the Tiefling Empire remained, Smirkenburg was ruled by powerful warlocks and wizards obedient to the Diabolic Throne. But, when the rain of colorless fire rendered the heart of the empire into the Sea of Dust, fear of higher authority ceased in the citadel. Soon, the Tiefling master-caste was challenged by orc troopers, goblin and bugbear henchmen, and the ogre and giant captains of the pits. Disobedience led to violence, violence led to devastation, finally all organized life at the fortress became impossible. Great magics tore down the upper structures, the ghosts of the slain tormented the living; it became a place of madness. * **The Thousand Pits of Smirkenburg**: these days, Smirkenburg is a collection of ruins. There are hundreds of pits, holes, ruined stairways all leading to caverns, dungeons, lairs and chambers. Some have lain dormant for a long age, others are once again inhabited by murderous monsters and desperate outlaws. Few dare enter the hill side where it lay. The Greenthorn Hillmen keep a watchtower across the valley, lest some nameless horror emerge, but the watchers dare not come close.