**RIEUWOOD** * This great forest marks the boundry zone between Ahlissa and Sunndi. Being that its borders reach almost in sight of the Sunndi capital, the Counts have always been keenly aware of its strategic importance. There is a clan of Sylvan elves in the wood, and the Counts of Sunndi have traditionally been very keen to win their friendship. The counts also have raised a company of rangers who patrol the forests, reporting trouble to the forts along the forest edge. * The Herzog of Ahlissa, however, is also keen to use this wood as cover for raids to the south. He assiduously cultivates the clans of forest goblins, trolls and ogres in the wood. He also supports Sunndi outlaws who take refuge along the southern edge of the forest. Both sides try to win the help of the various other woodland creatures in the forest such as satyrs, treants and centaurs.