Bernardo the Magnificent

Race: human, Class: Rogue Level: 5 Alignment: Unaligned

DEFENSES: AC 19 Fortitude 15 Reflex 19 Will 15

Initiative: +8 Move 6” Surges Per Day 8

Hit Points: 46 Bloodied: 23 Heal per Surge 11 hp

ABILITIES STR 12 (+1) DEX 19 (+4) CON 14 (+2) INT 11 (+0) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 14 (+2)

FEATSBackstabber; Nimble Blade; Quick Draw; Proficiency: Rapier

SKILLS Acrobatics , Bluff, Insight, Perception, Stealth, Thievery, Dungeoneering

CLASS FEATURES First Strike, Artful Dodger, Rogue Weapon Talent, Sneak Attack

PROFICIENCIES Armor: Cloth and Leather Weapons: dagger, hand crossbow, shuriken, sling, short sword, rapier

EXPLOITS At-Will: Deft Strike, Sly Flourish, Piercing Strike, Fleeting Ghost Encounter: Positioning Strike, Set Up Strike Daily: Trick Strike, Walking Wounded

GEAR: Blood-cut leather armor +1, thief’s tools, magic rapier +2, 2 daggers, adventurer’s kit, bag of holding

ATTACKS Attack Dagger Rapier +2 Defense Notes Basic Melee +7 /1d4+1 +8/1d8+5 AC At will, standard

Basic Ranged +10/1d4+1 —- AC At will, standard

Deft Strike +10/1d4+4 +11/1d8+6 AC At will, standard

Sly Flourish +10/1d4+6 +11/1d8+8 AC At will, standard

Piercing Strike +10/1d4+4 +11/1d8+6 Reflex At will, standard, no ranged

Position Strike +10/1d4+4 +11/1d8+6 Will Encounter, standard, no ranged

Set-Up Strike +10/2d4+4 +11/2d8+6 AC Encounter, standard no ranged

Trick Strike +10/3d4+4 +11/3d8+6 AC Daily, standard

Walk Wounded +10/2d4+4 +11/2d8+6 Fortitude Daily, standard

Deft Strike: you may move 2 squares before hitting as part of attack

Positioning Strike: you slide the target 2 squares with hit

Set-Up strike: enemy gives you combat advantage until end of your next turn

Trick Strike: slide target 1 square. Each time you hit it until end of encounter, slide it again.

Walking Wounded: target falls prone, if it moves more than ½ its movement it will fall prone again.


Sneak Attack: whenever you have Combat advantage, do 2d8 extra damage

Artful Dodger: +2 AC against opportunity attacks

First strike: automatic combat advantage against enemy who has not acted in fight

Nimble Blade: +1 to hit with light blades when you have combat advantage

Fleeting Ghost: can make full movement under stealth

Blood-Cut Armor: if bloodied, spend surge to get 10 resistance to all damage until end of your next turn.

Rapier Critical: +2 rapier does 2d6 extra damage on a critical hit