How many dragonborn does it take to light a candle? Six 1 to breathe on the candle and 5 to keep the rest of the house from burning down.

** Gleemok say this make no sense. I no breathe on candle! Just use flint. And steel. Works best with both together!


Hey Smack 'Em who was that pet iguana I saw you with last night? “That was no iguana, that was my wife… I think.”


Eldarin: Because regular elves are just too butch.

Always halflings…has anybody ever seen a full-ling?

The final straw in the ancient war between the tieflings and the dragonborn, was when the tieflings unleashed their most horrible weapon ever: The Dragonborn Hunter! A golem in khaki shorts, speaking in a strange, confusing manner the Dragonborn Hunter would knock over houses, digging up hiding dragonborn. Those the golem captured, would be poked, prodded, displayed, and generally humiliated, before being let go, bruised and confused but generally unharmed. The golem's tough hide, unusual speed, and extraordinary dexterity allowed it shrug off all but the most vigorous and determined attacks. Crys of 'Crikey, she's a beauty! Don't be afraid little fella, I'm not gonna harm yah!' were enough to make ancient dragonborn cower and run. The Dragonborn Hunter golems are rarely seen these days, as few survived the magical apocalypse which devoured both the tiefling and the dragonborn kingdoms, much to the relief of modern dragonborn.

Jason 12/2/2008