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Edwan Mirths, Human, Cleric-4, XP-23, LG, Andrew

Nak, Human, Barbarian-2, XP-13, NG, Andrew

Langston Ford, Human, Rogue-3, XP-12,N, Bob

Gorgon Zola, Dragonborn, Bard-3, XP-12, NG, Bob

Sparkle Rainbrite, Half-elf, Fighter-3, XP-14, NG, Bob

Walter, Destroyer of Evil, Hermit of the Red Mountain, Human, Sorcerer-4, XP-20, CG, Dave N

Sir Roderick of Heston, Human, Paladin-5, XP-26, LG, Dave N

Bocephus, Gnome, Rogue-4, XP-19, CN, Dave N

Wun Hung Lo, Wood elf, Monk-4, XP-18,LN,Jason

Yul Gibbons, Wood Elf, Druid-4, XP-23,N, Jason

Ragnar Shinbane, Halfling, Barbarian-4, XP-18, CN, Jason

Altarboy Midnight, Tiefling, Warlock-4, XP-20, CN, Marlon

Brother Thunder, Half orc, Paladin-4, XP-19, LN, Marlon

Preacher Lightning, Human, Ranger-4, XP-20, CN, Marlon

Milosh, Human, Ranger-1, XP-5, NG,Miles

Xander, Human, Paladin-1, XP-3,N, Miles

Drag, Half-Ogre, Barbarian-2, XP-7, CN, Miles

our_heroes.1527434012.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/27 15:13 by dave