====== The Academicians Campaign ====== This adventure revolves around the [[Arcane Academy]], a college of magic set in [[blackangel|a big fantasy city]] full of intrigue and mystery. Join the Academicians for high-magic hijinks, unforgettable moments, and furious action! This continuing campaign runs in regular arcs consisting of several sessions over a month. The game starts promptly at 6:00 on Thursdays at [[https://theadventurersacademy.com/|The Adventurer's Academy]] and runs for approximately three hours with a single break in the middle. ===== Game Sessions ===== **Arc One** * {{ :academicians_-_session_0.pdf |Session 0}} - What is the range of spider Jesus? * {{ :academicians_-_session_1.pdf |Session 1}} - Dispater's Hoof * {{ :academicians_-_session_2.pdf |Session 2}} - Curse of the Unguis * {{ :academicians_-_session_3.pdf |Session 3}} - The Massacre at Little Kroy * {{ :academicians_-_session_4.pdf |Session 4}} - Lobeillithid **Arc Two** * {{ :academicians_-_session_5.pdf |Session 5}} - Into the Dark * {{ :academicians_-_session_6.pdf |Session 6}} - Join the Show * {{ :academicians_-_session_7.pdf |Session 7}} - A Mother's Love **Arc Three** * {{ :academicians_-_session_8.pdf |Session 8}} - College Hill * {{ :academicians_-_session_9.pdf |Session 9}} - Beneath the Library ===== The Heroes ===== * [[Barenas]] - Feytouched Lore Bard (Ethan) * [[brom|Brom Mahlard]] - Rockbred Gnome Knowledge Cleric (Ryan) * [[everan|Everan Gemflower]] - Human Wild Magic Sorcerer(Paul) * [[hugh|Hugh Evansley]] - Satyr Wizard Conjurer (Jamin) * [[morwen|Morwen Peregrine]] - Feytouched Lore Bard (Jenny) * [[nero|Nero Leonheart]] - Feytouched Bladesinger Wizard (Brandon) * [[pandora|Lady Pandora Gladwyne]] - Gold Elf Sorcerer of the Divine Soul (Camille) * [[rae|Rae Softwood]] - Brown Elf Cleric (Jay) * [[ravara|Delmirev Ravara]] - Dragonborn Berserker Barbarian (Abby) * [[robynn|Robynn Cooney]] - Human Sorcerer (Chel) * [[thako|Thako Scarmonger]] - Green Elf Wild Magic Barbarian (Tyler) * [[yuvon|Yuvon Yol fin Dein]] - Dragonborn Devotion Paladin (Ben) ===== Former Heroes ===== These adventurers have worked for the Arcane Academy in the past, but have moved on to other endeavors in the meantime. * [[Lief]] - Mountainborn Dwarf Wizard Conjurer (Jamin) * [[Ozzy]] - Human War Cleric (Max) * [[Thorvald]] - Hillborn Dwarf Life Cleric (Hannah) * [[Wally]] - Human Champion Fighter (Guest) ===== Retired Heroes ===== Whether through death or destiny, some heroes have left the campaign. * [[eabon|Eabon of the Woods]] - Green Elf Moon Druid (Ryan) * [[Skelejon]] - Human Warlock (Bethany) ===== Character Creation ===== All the characters were created as pre-generated characters. A new player wishing to create a new PC may do so with the input and blessing of a GM of the game. Please create your character using a combination of the //Player's Handbook//, //Xanathar's Guide to Everything//, and //Tasha's Cauldron of Everything//. Stats should use the point-buy system or the standard array. Characters may choose to take any non-magical item they wish under 100 gold in value that they can physically carry. Items won in previous campaigns in the world of Kyor carry over to future ones. ===== Questions ===== Write me on the Adventurer's Academy Discord as **rew #4943**, or [[mailto:andrew@lordsofhack.com|email me here so I can contact you]].