====== The Daeva ====== The deities of Kyor are collectively known as the Daeva. They are organized by their origin. ===== The Dead Daeva ===== Before the time of mortals, the world of Kyor was in the possession of a number of gods who were defeated by the Old Daeva and then forgotten in time. Every so often, their existence is revealed by mortals and a form of worship allows them to return to a semblance of power. Some monsters created by these Daeva in ancient times still exist, asleep or locked away from civilization. One such minion of the dead gods is a colossal undying monster who slumbers deep beneath the surface known as The Tarasque. Other dead gods include: * [[Alkir]] - A four-horned being that fed on lust, pain and death of mortal souls that once enslaved the ancient tieflings of eastern Radavan * [[Auril]] - The queen of winter may have fled into the Feywild rather than face the might of the Old Gods to stay among the world of mortals, but artifacts of her worship still exists across Kyor * [[Demiurge|The Demiurge]] - Perhaps once a progenitor deity of creation, ancient lore suggests that this being went mad and was defeated by the nine back when the old gods were new * [[Nerull]] - Once the god of death, his power was usurped by his bride Nera who bacame the [[Raven Queen]] * [[Olidammara]] - Once a demigod of song and story, Olidammara was slain and cannibalized in a sick ritual to take the deity's power by the Prelate of [[Salt Temple]] * [[Tiamat|Takhisis]] - Mother of dragons and nursemaid of horrors Depending on their power, the Dead Daeva can exert their will through both Warlock and Cleric minions. ===== The Old Daeva ===== The nine old deities of Radavan embody certain elements of life. There are several pantheons on the various continents of Kyor that mirror the nine but might have vastly different trappings. The deities and the cleric domains that represent them are: * [[beggar|The Beggar]] - Arcana, Knowledge, Light * [[blacksmith|The Blacksmith]] - Forge, War, Knowledge * [[child|The Child]] - Trickery, Peace * [[farmer|The Farmer]] - Nature, Life, Tempest * [[judge|The Judge]] - Light, Order, Grave * [[maiden|The Maiden]] - Life, Peace, Twilight * [[mariner|The Mariner]] - Tempest, Twilight, Nature * [[traveller|The Traveller]] - Death, Grave, Trickery * [[warrior|The Warrior]] - War, Arcana, Death There are no warlocks of "The Nine," and while a cleric may choose a single patron they would honor the entire pantheon. The Old Daeva work in concert, collectively building on their efforts. They are aloof and remote deities, and are loathe to communicate directly with their followers instead relying on ancient texts, living saints, and prophetic dreams. Their basic holy book shared throughout the continent of Radavan is known as the [[literature|Codex of the Nine]]. ===== The New Daeva ===== Some deities are worshiped by the younger races monotheistically, or in newer pantheons that are perhaps reflections of the nine Old Daeva. For example, the human [[Separatists]] of [[Radavan]] worship only the [[Traveller]]. There are any number of these beings, each with an amount of divine power they lend to the mortal realm. They are collectively known as the "New Daeva" to separate them from the pantheon of the nine. * [[Aurora|Aurora, the Lady of the Light]] * [[avandra|Avandra, Goddess of Luck]] * [[Bhaal|Bhaal, Lord of Murder]] * [[Bruzlee|Bruzlee, A Spiritual Force for Balance, Order, and Awesomeness]] * [[Erathis|Erathis, Lord of Order]] * [[ioun|Ioun, the Spirit of the Magic Arts]] * [[Maruda|Maruda, Crone of the Hungering Darkness]] * [[Masque|The Faceless]] * [[Raven queen|The Raven Queen]] * [[Selune|Selûne, the Moonmaiden]] * [[Tiamat|Takhisis]] * [[Traveller|The Traveller]] * [[trogdor|Trogdor, Lord of Rock and Revelry]] * [[Valessa|Valessa, Goddess of Love, Beauty, and the Fey]] * [[Vecna|Vecna, Lord of the Rotted Tower]] * [[wild mother|The Wild Mother]] The New Daeva are more apt to speak directly to their clerics than the Old Daeva. Many don't even have worshipers as much as Warlocks that they have contracted to do their bidding. Unlike the Old Daeva, followers of the New Daeva often work against the other gods, sometimes violently opposing one another's agendas. ===== The Outer Daeva ===== A number of deities not native to Kyor lend their power to the mortals of this world. These mind-bending beings are typically the source of power for warlocks. They include: * Shadowy demonic forces from the [[abyss]] and [[hells]] are Outer Daeva. * [[Asmodeus]], the Counselor of the Pit is famously a demonic lawyer and commonly known as the father of the [[tieflings|tiefling heritage]]. * [[Baalzebul]], the Lord of Flies and Lies lends his might to many of the [[tieflings]] of [[Radavan]]. * One of these demons is [[Abraxas|Abraxas the Collector]] and his herald [[Ping|Ping the Vile]]. * [[Bezos|Bezos the Vendor]] was once a devil-king who would strive for power by enslaving demons, but his soul was destroyed by heroes of Kyor * The most powerful fey from the [[feywild|spirit world]] fall into this category. * One such fey is the The Prince of Frost, [[Dredwulf]], the the ancient hero and ancestor of all five tribes of barbarians of [[frostlands|The Frostlands]]. * [[mab|The Queen of Air and Darkness]] ruler of the [[feywild|Winter Court]] is known to lend her might to the mortal world of Kyor. * [[tatiana|The Queen of Light]], ruler of the [[feywild|Summer Court]], is a less alien yet more judgmental warlock patron who has provided magical power to mortals in exchange for their services in the mortal world of Kyor. * Ancient cthulhuoid monstrosities that originate from beyond [[void|the void]] are collectively known as the Great Old Ones. * The being known as the King in Yellow is thought to be the ultimate leader of [[masters|The Masters]] from a throne deep in the empty bowels of space and time. * Demigods who were once men, or born of man and daeva are also known to grant powers to particular warlocks. * [[exeter|Exeter the Unbroken]], one of the first heroes of the Old Daeva still lives in defense of the [[Church of the Old Gods|First Church]] granting the powers of a celestial patron. * The most powerful shades from the [[shadowfell|upside-down]] including the [[Raven Queen]] herself are also categorized as Outer Daeva. * Enchanted weapons left behind by daeva such as [[traveller|The Traveller]] and the [[Raven Queen]] for mortals to wield might grand power to worthy warlocks. These weapons are often hidden from [[albion|The Elven Empire]] as they were once used to break [[conclave|The Conclave]] from within. ===== Superstitions ===== Most of these superstitions are still held, but were at one time important ways to stay on the right side of the powers that be in Kyor. * Don't loot the tombs of those buried honorably they come back in your dreams to steal your soul. * Always exit the bed from the same side as you entered it, else the long rest you just finished will be taken from you. * Beware sleeping in the light of the moon, it causes moon madness. * Walking backwards allows a demon to know where you are going. * Hang a mirror by your door to distract a devil from entering your room. * Don't sleep outdoors beneath a full moon, or else the [[mortu|hag queens]] will be able to enter your dreams.