====== Gloomwrought ====== Gloomwrought - City of Midnight is a dirty port built on a swollen swamp. Inside its high wall, the city is a cramped and dismal place. It is a maze of twisty alleys, leading to haphazard rotting buildings chaotically constructed. Everywhere sinister statues leer over the public spaces. The districts themselves often alter themselves as in a dream to reflect the temperament of those who dwell there. Those who live here must find constant stimulation or else their minds and bodies will become lifeless husks by the [[Shadowfell]]. Consequently, purveyors of every sort of vice and novelty are of high value to the city. {{ :gloomwrought.jpg?direct&800 |}} ===== Districts ===== Six major districts make up Gloomwrought. They share traits with the city, but each has their own unique flavor and purpose, but they are each still as ever-changing as the city in general. ==== Dust Quarter ==== Home to many of the noble houses of Gloomwrought. ==== Drowned Quarter ==== The desperate and cutthroat waterfront district of the city. ==== Plaza District ==== This is the center of the city's trade and commerce, a living tribute to greed and corruption. ==== Temple District ==== Dominated by a majestic temple to [[Raven Queen|The Raven Queen]], this district is devoted to the hollow spirituality of the city. ==== Fettered Ward ==== The entertainment district of the City of Midnight contains dens of vice and excess meant to trigger some sort of sensation from those who visit. ==== Ghost Quarter ==== These island slums are located in the harbor, also known as the Shattered Isles. They were once a neighborhood of nobility and wealth, until the denizens were caught plotting against [[Prince Rolan]]. Then, they were cursed and the entire neighborhood sunk and ghosts continuously play out the events of that period known as [[sunder|The Sunder]]. The [[Isle of Groves]] is one of these islands that once made up this neighborhood.