====== Issarion ====== Issarion is a near-metropolis sized city of Drow located in a colossal cavern called the darksorrow abyss. The city, like most Drow settlements, is a caste system, where females hold all of the power and males are considered insignificant. Only the most powerful male wizards, sorcerers, and fighters can ever hope to gain positions of respect within the city, and even then, you can never challenge a female, even one of lower rank. The Ruling House in the City is called House Mizzryth, led by the very old and venerable Narcelue Mizzryth. She has a large family, and her daughters are powerful clerics who all play important roles maintaining the house and city. Her sons often fulfill the role of warriors, some training as martial adepts, but much to her disdain, none are powerful Wizards. There are 4 other major houses, ranked in order as follows: * House Do'Und * House Aleath * House Gallambra * House Dryaalis There is often competition between the other 4 houses to try to gain power and get closer to second position, though none have dared challenge the lineage of House Mizzryth for generations. House Do'Und does concern them, however, as their eldest son is the Archmage of the Wizard Academy called Faern Zhaun. The ruling family has their own plateau where their homes are settled that is closely guarded and is protected by a wall of massive jutting crystals, rumored to have been put there by mages and the priestesses long ago. The center of the city features a spire of stone called a Narbondel, which is used as a clock. As the day progresses, a column of Faerie Fire will move from bottom to top, the days end signified by the disappearance of the light. Much of the city is in complete darkness, though some houses and shops light their property with feint magical light. Not bright enough to harm their eyes, but bringing some color to their otherwise colorless world.