====== Kestus ====== Kestus was a hell Knight and loyal soldier of [[Asmodeus]], Prince of The Nine Hells. Kestus was a male teifling with reddish skin and deep black eyes and hair. His exceptional cruelty and lust for power has allowed him to rise in the ranks of Asmodeus’ armies. He wields "Oathsunder" a powerful and wicked Glaive given to him by his master. His loyal service to Asmodeus cost him his life during a months-long battle on Stygia, the fifth plane of hell, where he was betrayed by his own soldiers who had secretly switched their allegiance to Levistus. Literally stabbed in the back, he thirsts for vengeance and awaits Asmodeus' decision to send him back to the Hells so he can prove to his master that he can still be of value to Him.