====== Literature of Kyor ====== This page holds a list of all the interesting texts that exist in the world of Kyor. * The Book of Dead Smiles - This massive folio contains research notes and illustrations of [[zelligar|Zelligar the Unknown]] from almost five-hundred years ago. * Legend of the Grim Reaper - A primer of the history of the dire mage Vecna and prayers to the fallen daeva [[Nerull]]. Many of these tomes are recent copies. The original is very rare and valuable, worth as much as 10K gold to a collector. * Shadow of the Astrological Cosmology - This book, a copy of a previous tome probably written in another tongue, charts the path of the nine planets and constellations of the night sky. It foretells cosmological phenomenon such as eclipses and comets. * The Life and Times of Mordenkainen - Casting, Cutting, and F*cking * How to Win Friends and Influence Humans - The modern practical guide ubiquitous throughout the continent of Radavan * Remaking of the Eternal - This tome of healing written in an earlier age by a tiefling churgeon named [[Raxandrian]] provides a procedure to unite soul and body without divine magic. * The Weave: A Practical Observation of Impractical Occurrences - This book is a treatise on the applications of manipulating the weave of reality for one’s own benefit. In one section of the book, it mentions the regenerating coffins created by [[masters|The Masters]] and then used with efficiency by [[Corvax]] to create lycanthropic super-soldiers for his war effort. * Flame of the Soul - This rare tome deals with lighting the green soul flame, a living artifact that itself can imbue unliving stone and wood puppets or manakins with a a mortal soul. This tome's pages were crucial to the creation of the [[warforged|Automatons]]. It is thought to be written by the dwarf necromancer/artificer [[Urmon]], but some believe he had help from an outsider that helped guide his discoveries. * A Guide to Practical Lycanthropy - Raise your confidence, connect to your primal self, and deepen your spirituality with this empowering book of lycanthropic magic. This book features authentic shape-shifting rituals, spells, meditations, and folklore. This book can show you how to awaken your inner animal and transform into a happier, braver, and freer person. * Codex of the Nine - The holy book of the [[daeva#the_old_daeva|Old Gods]] * Arcane Lineages of Radavan - This book is a catalog of the nobility and their connections to the magical world throughout the past few centuries here in Radavan. This tome muses on teifling houses that may have their roots with [[Mag Darbusto]] himself. * The Goety of Illwinter - This book describes in detail how magic from Stygia, the fifth layer of hell can be channeled. * The Conclave Chronicles - A history of the second great council of the Elven Empire wherein the Conclave debated the merits of certain elements involved in the worship of the old daeva.