{{ :lorak.png?|}} **Lorak Gloom the Eternal, Oracle of the Pointed Grove, Great Counselor of Glendale, Peacemaker, Bane of Tiamat, Master of Forests, The Skindancer, The Moonfruit, Brother of Eatonis, and Custodian of the Legend’s Lore** Born Lorak Gloomius, this second son of a lower noble family proudly served in the shadow of his older sibling - the noble paladin Eatonis. In the early days of their adventuring, Lorak was greedy and vain, taking the loot he could while doing the very least to help those they encountered. He was very different from his brother who was honest to a fault. After one particular struggle, Lorak was able to transform into the shape of a dire wolf which turned the tide in the battle earning him the moniker of “skindancer” for his ability to shift between natural shapes. In the first tier of his career, he would continue to switch between a “back line” support caster and a “front line” shock fighter in wild shape. Lorak fought alongside his brother Eatonis in a great battle to liberate those who would not be able to fight for themselves. During this conflict, Eatonis and Lorak argued furiously about their motivations. Why would the brothers risk danger for the helpless if there was nothing for them? Eatonis demonstrated to Lorak that greed and vanity were not appropriate for heroes. Together they fought to make the existence of the commoners in the area better by overthrowing the provincial overlords. In that conflict, Eatonis was slain. Lorak had a change of heart, and vowed to help commoners rather than steal from them. Following his brother’s death, Lorak would take some time alone to create the Pointed Grove, a magical respite created over a year of using the Druid Grove spell. He would slow down after years of adventuring and spend some time there, dispensing wisdom. Nearby, Lorak founded the village of Glendale. There he raised his children and grandchildren, who would eventually guide the town and make it grow to its current size. Despite settling down, Lorak rose to address challenges that could upset the peace and safety of those nearby. The rousing of the avatar or Tiamat was one such threat. Along with his party of young comrades, Lorak was able to address that situation successfully. Over his lifetime, this settlement of Glendale grew to be a significant trade route stop across the continent. Its proximity to the Pointed Grove allowed it to overcome the threats to it that invariably came. The years passed, and Lorak would regret being part of the “mortal” world. He outlived his grandchildren, and the times he once knew so well were gone. He moved away from the settlement he founded and isolated himself in the wilds. He would no longer talk with the regular folk of Glendale without them petitioning for an augury, instead spending his years building more groves throughout the continent.