====== The Free Territories of Oaten ====== This small, broken continent is home to a loose confederation of city states. They have all recently freed themselves from the rule of the Empire of Albion. The governments that have replaced the haughty Elves may be despotic in their own way, but it’s a home-grown type of corruption that their respective populations can stomach for now. The members of these territories have benefited from the free trade and security that comes with mutual alliance, but they still remember the wounds of toiling under [[Eladrin|Imperial]] rule. Throughout the continent one governmental principal holds sway. "No elf may wear the crown." Whatever system any city operates under, elves are barred from holding a ruling position in memory of long-time despotism. Several city-states have made their presence known, challenging the [[albion|Empire]] throughtout Oaten or even on the high seas. Some of the most powerful are listed below: * The city state of [[Malargo]] is ruled by an aged hero of the liberation of the free states who refused to designate an heir. The entire state worries about an uncertain future. * The small island city-state of [[Cainslin]] struggles to survive in the midst of a swamp-covered monster menagerie. * The [[silver tongues|Silver Tongue Monopoly]] are a group of merchants who have cornered the market on particular spices useful for preserving food or altering one's mood. Their lucrative business dealings have made them a trade powerhouse throughout all of Kyor, but many belive that the [[halflings|fellows]] who run the group are evil monsters. * The [[corn brotherhood|Corn Brotherhood of the Plains]] an alliance of free farmers from the interior who are willing and able to strike hard against agricultural tariffs in any state within reach. Plus, they have all kinds of weird corn rituals. * The [[solomania|Theocracy of Solimania]] is an offshoot of the human separatist movement made originally of prisoners who had filled the prisons of the first human kingdoms because of crime and debt. Their heavy armored cavalry and quaint chivalric tradition is well-known throughout the states of Oaten. These mighty cavaliers worship the [[Traveller]] monotheistically, and will destroy anyone or anything that prevents his return to Kyor to sort the poultry from the [[cockatrice|cockatrices]].