====== Restwell Keep ====== The eponymous "Keep on the Borderlands" has a number of details. {{ :restwellkeep.png?400|}} ===== Geography ===== Restwell Keep is located roughly five days ride north northeast of the city-state of [[Bizancio]]. It is situated on a [[borderlands_area_map|defensible promontory along the road]] to the [[guilds|guild-held]] city-state of [[Thumlin]]. ===== History ===== The keep was founded over a hundred years ago by Macsen Wledig, a successful adventurer who having reached the stage in his career when he had begun to attract followers, decided to retire and build his own stronghold with the proceeds of his exploits. He chose this defensible promontory for his keep, and then got to work clearing the area of preparing the region for settlers to create his very own barony far from any greedy city-state. At first he found that retirement agreed with him. Things remained this way for twenty years until the threat of [[Corvax]] threatened the entire continent of Radavan. Macsen could not stand by and watch helplessly, so he gathered all the troops and resources he could from his growing estate and marched away to fight. He was never seen again. Once Corvax and his forces were defeated at last, word of the disaster finally reached Restwell Keep. The castellan at the time long held out hope that the rumors were false, but at last had to admit that his master and almost all of his own comrades were dead. Fortunately, Macsen had chosen his castellan well. While the keep has not thrived, over the past forty years it has managed to attract heroic figures ready to take on the challenges to this small settlement. Rather than abandon the keep, the people of Restwell have done their best with what little they have. The professional garrison has been replaced by a handful of trained guards supported by peasant militia. Three times the keep has been attacked or besieged by humanoids or bandits, and each time it has held out and overcome its foes. However, the keep could never survive a concentrated attack from a trained army and it is only a matter of time before it collapses when a mistake is made. To address this deficiency, the people of Restwell Keep have recently pledged their allegiance to the city-state of [[Salt Temple]], located to the West. The Prelate of that state has sent a templar to assume the castillian’s duties. That templar, [[drysdale|Lord Drysdale]] has seen Restwell Keep as an opportunity to bring order to these lawless lands. However, many of his policies are unpopular, such as increased taxation and religious oppression. ===== People ===== * [[drysdale|Lord Perithin Drysdale]] - The castillian of Restwell Keep * [[kendon|Kendon Longstrider]] - Keep bailiff * Champlain and Pierre - Drysdale's lieutenants * Sabine - The gatekeeper * Laurl, Charl, Wart, Goop, and Andre - Tower guards * [[Jadale]] - Best archer among the guards * [[aran|Mother Aran]] - Landlady of the [[Stumbling Giant|Stumbling Giant Inn]] * Calista - Server and maid at the [[Stumbling Giant]] * Jess - Barmaid and server at the [[Stumbling Giant]] * Wilf - Ostler at the [[Stumbling Giant]] * [[Chendera]] - Head Priestess * [[ronnik|Ferdinand Ronnik]] - Retired burgular and tax collector * Greeves and Peta - Gnomish employees of the Guild House, members in good standing of the [[guilds|Teamster's Guild]] * [[quartermaster moseley|Moseley]] - The painfully honest and anal-retentive quartermaster of the Keep * Rafe - The young smith who works alongside his aged mother and very pregnant bride * Asham - The cooper, related by marriage to the Lum family and brother of Hobbin * Hobbin - The carpenter, dour brother of Asham * Chandry and Opal - Milkmaids and cheesemongers * Jocyln - The tanner * Quince - The absent-minded tailor * Reece - The cobbler, plagued by the horrors of war * Tarlach - The fisherman, related by marriage to the Lum family * Tella - The gossipy stablehand * [[lum family|The Lum Family]] - Four generations of farmers who form the backbone of the populace * [[Cob]] - The Lum family huntsman * [[Dubricus|Dubricus D'Amberville]] - Scribe, scrivener, and scholar of the keep * [[Brother Martin]] - A wandering friar with crippling anger management issues who settled down to become the keep's baker * [[Mouse]] - Halfling tinkerer and locksmith * [[Third]] - [[Underdark]] refugee and bouncer at the [[Stumbling Giant]] * [[mendel|Mendel the Merchant]] - Traveling salesman who frequents the North road * [[Tomas and Holgar]] - Two shady adventurers * [[Uthgar the Trader]] - A most unlucky traveling merchant with a no-good brother ===== Keyed Map Download ===== * {{ :restwell_keep_-_keyed.pdf |Map Download}}