====== Reumix ====== Reumix was built in the shadow left by the [[Verdant Empire]], a powerful ancient civilization of lizardfolk that ruled much of southwest Radavan for hundreds of years before the arrival of the heritages of elves, dwarves, and men. It sits at the confluence of the Silt and Bitter rivers, starting as a humble outpost in the middle of the desert and growing in importance as vaults full of ancient artifacts are located in the nearby wastes and plundered for wealth and power. The majority of the citizens of Reumix are the [[lizardfolk]] descendants of the [[Verdant Empire]]. While there have been advances in equality, Reumix suffers from a history of racism and oppression of these folk. Indigenous lizardfolk were once used as slave labor by the [[dragonborn]] who led the effort to settle this area. Reumix is ruled by his [[king raposa|Royal Highness King Raposa]]. ===== Geography ===== Radavan is roughly the size of the continental United States in our world, so as a shorthand there is often a real-world American city analogue to the city-states of this continent. For example, Raumix is analogous to the weather and geography of Phoenix, AZ.