====== Sorelia Delanare ====== Magister Sorelia sits on the board of the [[Arcano]] as the chairperson. Additionally, and more importantly she officially serves [[King Raposa]] as an advisor in all matters dealing with arcane magic. Sorelia is a descendant of the [[eladrin|high elven]] pilgrims who fled [[Albion]] in search of the freedom to practice the worship of the goddess [[selune|Selûne]]. She has a penchant for intoxicants, and has used these to extend her lifespan just as she would if she retained her connection to the [[Feywild]] through the empire. Magister Sorelia Delanare, Magister of Reumix and Chairperson of the Arcano. While Sorelia joined the high council just after the aged [[atere|Atere the Wise]], her elven magic keeps her youthful appearance. Some say it is her former attunement to the Feywild before she and her people the Moon Elves fled Albion in excommunication for not properly worshiping the Nine. Others point at rumors of her appetites for certain magical intoxicants. In either case, her position as chair to the Arcano, an association of antiquarians and artificers dedicated to the study and re-creation of forgotten relics, makes her an important advisor. Sorelia is played by Luke. [[https://ddb.ac/characters/53658291/4RWR|Link to D&D Beyond]]