====== Isle of Sundry ====== Commonly known as the "Island of Portals," Sundry provides many heroes of [[start|Kyor]] with a method of reaching between planes. While primarily located within the [[Feywild]], the island of Sundry famously can appear magically within the [[Serene Expanse]] of the material plane. It is peopled by a series of human clans who have a powerful exodus myth. Essentially they were fleeing from persecution in the distant past, and with the help of powerful beings in the [[Feywild]] developed powerful planar transport magic to flee. While the [[Sundries]] (as these people are called) reached this different land in moments from an outside perspective, the myth is that it took much longer - some stories saying as long as forty years. The people of Sundry do not worship the regular [[Daeva]] of Kyor. Instead they practice a form of ancestor worship that relates back to the powerful beings that sired each of the clans. ===== Important People of Sundry ===== * [[anet_lovelle|Anet Lovelle]] - Chieftess of [[Clan Lovelle]], and Lord Matron of the Portals * [[moira|Moira Lovelle]] - Member of [[Clan Lovelle]] and Maid Defender of the Isle of Sundry * [[Manfri]] - Chieftess Lovelle's partner ===== Notable Clans of Sundry ===== * [[Clan Desiree]] * [[Clan Jewel]] * [[Clan Lovelle]] * [[Clan Manon]] * [[Clan Odette]] * [[Clan Yvonne]]