====== The Tieflings ====== {{ :tiefling.png?200|}} The Tieflings of the continent of [[Radavan]] call themselves [[atanis|The Assembly of Atanis]], and historically ruled democratically with a council elected every four years from their home city of [[Aithin]]. They along with the [[dragonborn]] make up the two original races of ancients who populated [[Radavan]] long before it was settled by the [[heritages|three major heritages]]. ===== Bloodlines ===== There are a few bloodlines that are traced back to certain lords of the Abyss. Most tieflings of Radavan are of the [[Asmodeus]] bloodline. They hold the traditional “Tiefling” look with red skin and horns that form part of their brow structure. The rarer [[Baalzebul]] bloodline features long curling horns that are sometimes more antler-like than what one would expect, giving them an almost Fey appearance. Most have a slender build, tanned or goldish skin, with blue, grey, purple, or multi-colored eyes. Light blonde or other pale and ethereal colored hair will frame usually freckled faces. Tieflings of the [[Levistus]] bloodline feature solid looking dark horns that grow up close to the sides of the head from just behind the ears. These eventually develop a paler colored twist in old age but are blackish-blue until that time. They inevitably have light skin and pastel ocean blues, greens, or muted white for hair colors. The eyes of this bloodline of tieflings are primarily gold or blue and their teeth are small and sharp.