This small island continent features the newer nation-state of liberated Green Elves as well as smaller city-states of the Forgotten Elves, a military base for the Empire, and smaller island-states for the feline Tabaxi. There are a few territories that are ruled by various lesser groups of sentients.
The main island is itself named Auria. There are at least a dozen other island chains that are within an hour's boat ride from the main island of Auria.
Green Elven city-state of
Orsinium in the Southeast is a beacon of freedom for those who were once oppressed by the
The Imperial Navy military outpost state of
Dunhall to the South and West of the main island is little but a ruined slum that supports the fading military might of the Elves.
A barbaric forest nation of the
Forgotten Elves in the North East is a holdover from an earlier age, now re-settled by expatriates from the Empire. The rustic settlements of these peoples belies a darker truth of the ancient nature magic that sleeps in the thick forests.
The proud and shiny mountaintop castle of
Korm's Fall along the mountaintops and cliffs on the South side of Auria is one of the few homes of the flighty
Bird Folk.
The islands off the Northeast coast of Auria are settled by several clans of