Azakai Brightwood

Azaki's story

As a member of the Brightwood family I was entrusted with an heirloom that has been passed down through our family for generations. I was a bit surprised to see that the item was the broken hilt of a sword. To be honest I wasn't very impressed with it at the time until one night I was visited by the Raven Queen in a dream. In exchange for my servitude and soul, she would grant me power so long as I help her in her duty of guiding and freeing the souls of the natural world. I set off on my adventure to fulfill my destiny and please the Raven Queen. Occasionally she speaks to me through the sword hilt. My current heading is toward Restwell Keep and the Cave of Chaos beyond. I hope I am up to the challenge.

Mother: Anastrianna Siannodel - copper elf
Father: Felix Brightwood
Both Azakai and Anastrianna live in human society with Felix

The Heirloom: Elvish Sword Hilt

The hilt of the sword has about 2-4 inches of blade still attached. The rest of the sword is missing. The hilt was a gift from an elvish friend of the family that lost his life defending Radavan against the armies of Corvax with Azakai’s human ancestor almost eight years ago. The broken blade heirloom has been passed down to the first-born male child in the Brightwood family when they turn 20 years old.

Azakai is, at first, very disappointed with his heirloom, because he doesn’t know of its significance. One night, while sleeping, Azakai is visited by The Raven Queen who promises him power in exchange for his servitude and soul. It seems that the blade has been waiting for someone of elvish decent for decades. Azakai’s elvish heritage was the catalyst for the blade’s awakening. Speaking through the hilt of the sword, The Raven Queen can give Azakai orders.