Mira Greycastle

Mira was a scout serving the Tsar of the city-state of Bizancio at the Battle of the Barons. Mira was felled by an enemy on the battlefield. When she awoke, she was in a safe place and her proof of her enemy's death clutched in her hand. She had no memory of the intervening period. Since that time, Mira has become an itinerant nomad plagued with PTSD and fugues. Clearly, she's active during these periods; she's begun leaving herself short messages. She knows not whether she labors under a curse or a madness but Mira continues to search for a cure.

Her bond with Kieran is one of trust. The bard has a soft spot for lost causes, it seems. Mira met Kieran after one of his shows. She often relies upon him for reorientation following a fugue.

Lucretia Greycastle

Lucretia (Lucy, to her friends) first opened her eyes while lying upon a battlefield. Confused and disoriented, her instinct was to flee. Only a few hostile strangers were between her and safety. So, she went through them. The next time she awoke, she was in bed with an entertainer. Kieran was between her and the door, so she went through him, too. Despite the rocky introduction, Lucy has come to grudgingly abide Kieran as an ersatz touchstone to her reality. Currently, she is grudgingly along for the ride at Restwell Keep.