Orpheus Dryaalis

Orpheus does not talk much about his past, prefers to keep his mind on the present and future. Has worked for years as an assassin and manipulator of sorts. Got the nickname the Sun Killer due to the way he took out the Sun Kings, a crew of thugs who worked for The Respect in the city state of Vice. The group did not leave the hideout they occupied, so they used artificial magical sunlight. This was a very well known fact and made taking them out very difficult.

Orpheus was hired to assassinate the Sun Kings' leaders. He snuck into the citadel and was able to dispel the magical sunlight, and from there took out every member of the group. After these events, the public did not know that Orpheus was the one who did it, so they came up with the name “The Sun Killer” to refer to the assassin. Orpheus has since taken a liking to the name, so has kept it as a moniker. It also serves as a way to demonstrate his skill and reputation.

As Orpheus matured, his silver elf family passed on an heirloom from a forgotten age. It was the broken black hilt of a rapier, with just a hint of a dark purple blade. It wasn’t much of a weapon, perhaps given in jest to show contempt. The strange shimmer it gave Orpheus once his family betrayed him led him to keep it.

As Orpheus continued along his career as an assassin and adventurer, he fell on hard times. He was knocked unconscious and marked for death. In a dream, the Raven Queen came and made Orpheus one of her champions. She marked him with a kiss over your left eye. When Orpheus awakened, that broken blade that was his birthright became a whole rapier, and Orpheus has followed your Queen’s subtle bidding ever since.