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The Kingdom of Sanguine is one of the most ancient in all of Kyor, the home of a contingent of red-orange tieflings who live far from their ancestral home of Athin. It is a place of mystery, power, dark forests, haunted mountains, black crypts, gloom, horrors, and treasures. Yet it is also a place of life ruled by kings and feuding nobles populated by sturdy peasants and cunning city-folk ravaged by bandits, defended by mercenaries and armies alike. Sanguine is a city located along the Red River in Southeast Radavan. It is an ancient seat of the tieflings dating back to before the time of the ancients.

Sanguine’s troubles continue. After the death of childless King Valdric, his general Iksandrian took the Sanguine throne and crushed the nobles who squabbled amongst themselves rather than opposing the army. These nobles now live in exile either in the countryside or as expatriates in other city-states.

Some say the city-state was cursed by the brief return of the dead god Alkir. Only the actions of whomever boldly stole the ancient Staff of Avanrakash from the dead king as he lay in state managed to save the poor peoples of Sanguine. However, Iksandrian and his lieutenants have done little to stop the lawlessness in the land as they consolidate their power and carry out death sentences on any who challenge the new regime. Bandits such as Karela the Red Hawk continue to raid freely, and the Sanguinites starve as few wish to venture far from the city walls.

The City of Sanguine

“She is ancient but her face is ever changing. A contradiction of the old and new. She is full of life yet stinks of death. The placid fools within take no notice of the chaos besieging them. The fat merchants, bearded scholars, ragged peddlers, stinking beggars, and accursed footpads all go about business in the usual way as if nothing has changed.“

Justice is severe in the city of Sanguine. Foreigners are never trusted, and the rule of the army is absolute despite a constant undercurrent of anger at their unlawful power. Magic is particularly seen as bad - particularly in public. In private, even the most awful rituals are contemplated as once Sanguine was the home of the Society of Alkir, a fascist regieme that once sided with the powers of Corvax as his armies ravaged Radavan.

Wherever anyone goes, there is the smell of tension. The common tiefling folk mind their own business and quietly bubble with anger and discontent of their current state of being. The crest of the city is that of a jeweled staff over a cloud-covered mountain.

The city is located just north of the Red River which flows another hundred miles through the plains and swamps to the sea in the east. Across the Bridge of Sorrows are the ancient shrines and tombs of Sanguine known collectively as the Sanguine Graveyard. To the north, the Mountain of Alkir is rumored to be the resting spot of the dead god of the same name. Much of the farmland that feeds the city lie to the west, now fallow as only those brave or foolish enough to face the lawlessness of the countryside work the land. Far to the west are the Anvil Hills which are riddled with mines made by centuries of industry. Farther to the northeast is the Corpse Forest, where some say a bandit queen builds a small army of villains.

There are several different districts of the ancient city of Sanguine.


The city is cut into four quarters by wide roads running north to south and east to west, meeting in the market square in the middle. These open spaces are used by the army to rally. It is populated mostly by the middle class, with a few higher-class shops and condominiums. There are a few temples to lesser known gods. There are three gates, the Gate of Avanrakash to the north, the Gold Gate to the west, and the River Gate to the east. Some points of interest include:

Temple District

Here, Sanguinites have built many temples and shrines to both the old gods and the new. In Sanguine just about all gods not trafficking in human sacrifice are represented. One might also find many elaborate palaces belonging to the noble class, as well as imitative mansions of merchants. Only the most elite businesses thrive here such as jewelers, scribes and artisans. Some points of interest include:

Market District

One of the few remaining places of activity in Sanguine is the market district, centered in the square where all the promenades converge. The smell and din of thriving shops and stalls attract a diverse crowd from every walk of life and nation. One can find just about anything here at a range of price and quality points. Some points of interest include:

Old City

The ancient city of Sanguine has grown over time, leaving behind walls and buildings that once were the lifeblood of the city. Buildings in this area are centuries old. A few collapsed or abandoned. Sections of old city wall still runs through these areas. Those that live here are poor but not desperate and poverty-stricken like those in the slums. One would find common laborers, soldiers, and beggars here. Some points of interest include:

Trade District

The trade district is the home of guildhalls and craftsmen. Much of the heavy odorous or dirty industry is here. Sandwiched between various warehouses one would find butchers, tanners, brewers, potters, perfumers, and fishermen. This place boasts some wealth but also has some of the worst elements of the city which means that there is an abundance of city guard as well as mercenary muscle keeping watch on things. Some points of interest include:


The slums of Sanguine are homes to the desperate. It is mostly from poverty and neglect that these small and collapsing dwellings are only for the beggars, thieves, and resentful debtors. Some points of interest include:

The Royal Palace

The Promenade to the south runs into the Royal Palace, a keep within the walls of the city itself. It is closest to the Red River. Inside, there are stores and barracks to maintain the Royal Guard an elite force whose job is simply to protect the king.

Notable People of Sanguine


Radavan is roughly the size of the continental United States in our world, so as a shorthand there is often a real-world American city analogue to the city-states of this continent. For example, Sanguine is analogous to the weather and geography of Raleigh/Durham, North Carolina. The Red River is analogous to the Neuse River.