Sanguine Graveyard

The Sanguine Graveyard sits south of the city, on the opposite shore of Red River. It is a beautiful garden of statues, tended plants, trees, mausoleums, and headstones. The condition of the graveyard is entirely pristine thanks to the tireless work of the Order of the Sallow Shroud who tend it.

Sanguine has been the site of a city for thousands of years. It's experienced so many cycles of growth and collapse, of prosperity and destruction, that it's impossible to estimate accurately how many people have lived there and subsequently been interred in the graveyard.

The Sanguine Gaveyard is large, but so many bodies couldn't possibly be buried there in individual graves and family mausoleums. Most of them are interred in catacombs beneath the graveyard. The catacombs are nearly as old as the city, and their full extent is unknown even to the most senior of Order. They extend well beyond the boundary of the graveyard in every direction, including under the city.

Several of the major temples and fortifications in Sanguine were known to have entrances of their own, but most of these were sealed during the Age of Corvax when undead were a threat. If any of them remain open, no one living in Sanguine today knows of them. The only entrance that's known to still be open is the Cloister of the Sallow Shroud, and only those galleries directly connected to it are still used for burials.