The Shadowfell, commonly known as the Upside-Down or the Plane of Shadow, is a demiplane connected through occasional portals to the Prime Material Plane. The most striking and immediate impression a visitor to the Upside-Down is the lack of color and light. No sun, moon, or stars adorn the vault of the inky black sky. The color appears to have been leeched out of all things leaving nothing but shades of black and white.
The landscape of the Shadowfell is a dark, twisted echo of what exists on the Prime Material Plane. Upon entering the Plane of Shadow, the local features are usually quite similar. A forest or body of water has an eerily similar counterpart in the shadow plane. However, from that starting point the landscape diverges rapidly away from the familiar. On subsequent visits from the same starting point the geography and structures themselves diverges in different ways, making mapping the Shadowfell futile. Landmarks are usually recognizable but altered in some bizarre way. Buildings might be constructed in a different style, built with different materials, at a different location, and/or in any condition from dilapidated ruins to a distorted version of its normal appearance.
Most inhabitants of the Shadowfell are Shadar-Kai, descendants of an ancient race transported there long ago by the Raven Queen to serve her.
This is a list of locations found within the city of Gloomwrought.
This city is a dark reflection of the city of Blackangel on the continent of Radavan.