Valessa is a new goddess embodying all that is associated with love, beauty, and the Fey. In fact, her domain is the Feywild itself. She is known by many names including The Fickle Lover, The Mystic Lady, and The Faerie Queen.
Valessa is the daughter of the Wild Mother, and takes on several aspects of her mother.
It is said that her love has healing powers, as does any love she blesses. Love is fleeting and fickle according to her teachings, but true love has the power to unite, heal, and overcome all obstacles. The love of the goddess herself is said to heal body and soul of all aliments.
Valessa represents beauty of form and character and is said to be among most beautiful of all the goddesses. It is said her true beauty is beyond mortal comprehension, and those who gaze upon her find feelings of warm. Her followers believe she tones down her beauty when she appears, as to not lead her followers that astray, or appears with a bright flame around her, obscuring her from being viewed directly.
Love is a often happened upon by luck, and the fey are known as master manipulators of luck and magic, and this both are domains of the goddess. The mystical and fickle powers of love represented in aspects of the goddess's domains and ties to the Fey. Other sages believe that Valessa is simply a visage of the fey Queen of Light.