
The dwarven guilds of Citadel are famous for working together to create the first artificial race. Built in the most recent age by the guilds to help settle the continent of Radavan the automatons are dwarven guild constructs that have liberated themselves following the war. Some consider these beings mortals with their own motivations and desires. Others call them the derogatory term “warforged” and think of them only as sophisticated tools who are less than mortal.

The automatons are made of stone, metal and wood fibers. The core of a automaton is a skeletal frame made of metal and stone with wood fibers acting as a muscular system. Covering the automaton is an outer shell of metal and stone plates. An internal network of tubes run through the automaton's body, these tubes are filled with a blood like fluid that is designed to lubricate and nourish their systems. Their hands have only two thick fingers and a thumb while their feet only have two broad toes.