Classes Permitted: Cleric, Magic-User, Thief
Size: Medium, 1d6 HD
Move: 30’
Stat Mods: +1 CHA, -1 STR
Vision: Dark Vision
Special Advantage: +2 save vs. magic

A Changeling is a half-mortal, half-demonic or half-fairy creature that has been brought up in the mortal world as a mortal. Changelings have the outer appearance of their mortal parent, but their eyes have an unnatural shine to them. They have a reputation as being very easy to get along with, but often prove to be physically cowardly. Those with a demonic parent are Chaotic in alignment 99% of the time. Those with a fairy parent are Neutral 99% of the time. Of course, PC’s can be any alignment they like. Changelings see in the dark, unlike their mortal family members and friends. They are also somewhat resistant to magic, getting a +2 to saves against spells and magic effects.

Changelings in the Region
Who knows how many Changelings live in the region? They are fully integrated and invisible in their mortal communities. Those discovered as Changelings in the northern farming areas might face a rough time and mistrust. Fairy-changelings among the goblin folk would also face some trouble if the goblins were ever smart enough to figure it out. Those claiming to be Changelings in the city would probably just be considered braggarts or liars.