Polychronopolis 1 Meet the Ass-Kickers

Polychronopolis 2 Boogins, Bowstrings and Balducci

Polychronopolis 3The City in Taurus

Polychronopolis 4 Two Rip-Offs

Polychronopolis 5 Romeo's Theme

Polychronopolis 6 Breaking the Law

Polychronopolis 7 Goblin Orgy

Polychronopolis 8 Curses, Hoonged Again

Polychronopolis 9 Treasure, Just Lying Around on the Ground

Polychronoplois 10 Absolutely!

Polychronopolis 11 Abraca Doofus

Polychronopolis 12 OMG! They Killed Thrax and Steve!

Polychronopolis 13 The Two Towers

Polychronopolis 14 I'm an Elf, It's Elfville, I'll Fit Right In

Polychronopolis 15 A Second Two Towers

Polychronopolis 16 Fungus Duke of the Citadel of Dreams

Polychronopolis 17 Walking with Losers

Polychronopolis 18 Big Loser Johnson tells EVERYONE